This week was very exciting!! Elaine was happy with how I was able to implement the algorithm and suggested I get to work on developing ways to improve it. I spent a while trying to understand the best approach and soon was able to come up with an algorithm - Best Actions algorithm. The algorithm worked well and was able to perform better than the paper’s original algorithm. The new algorithm was able to pick the best action based on the human’s prior feedback on previous actions. I was happy with the results. Elaine was quite happy with my approach and suggested I try another approach by adding “features” to the states which will help me identify similar states. I was able to implement that as well and could see that both algorithms perform very well. I am excited to see how they compare to each other as well as the original algorithm. I will conduct tests on all the algorithms to gather information about how well they work. I also had to do work for the online course - the research proposal required revisions. I also had a great time seeing the 4th of July fireworks in the MIT area with my housemate.
Week 7- 5 July 2024
Written on July 5, 2024